Source code for odc.stac._eo3

STAC -> EO3 utilities.

Utilities for translating STAC Items to EO3 Datasets.

import datetime
import uuid
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import (
from warnings import warn

import pystac.asset
import pystac.collection
import pystac.errors
import pystac.item
from affine import Affine
from datacube.index.eo3 import prep_eo3
from datacube.index.index import default_metadata_type_docs
from datacube.model import Dataset, DatasetType, metadata_from_doc
from datacube.utils.geometry import CRS, GeoBox, Geometry
from pystac.extensions.eo import EOExtension
from pystac.extensions.item_assets import ItemAssetsExtension
from pystac.extensions.projection import ProjectionExtension
from pystac.extensions.raster import RasterExtension
from toolz import dicttoolz

from odc.index import odc_uuid

T = TypeVar("T")
BandMetadata = namedtuple("BandMetadata", ["data_type", "nodata", "unit"])
ConversionConfig = Dict[str, Any]

EPSG4326 = CRS("EPSG:4326")

# Mapping between EO3 field names and STAC properties object field names
# EO3 metadata was defined before STAC 1.0, so we used some extensions
# that are now part of the standard instead
    "end_datetime": "dtr:end_datetime",
    "start_datetime": "dtr:start_datetime",
    "gsd": "eo:gsd",
    "instruments": "eo:instrument",
    "platform": "eo:platform",
    "constellation": "eo:constellation",
    "view:off_nadir": "eo:off_nadir",
    "view:azimuth": "eo:azimuth",
    "view:sun_azimuth": "eo:sun_azimuth",
    "view:sun_elevation": "eo:sun_elevation",

# Assets with these roles are ignored unless manually requested
ROLES_THUMBNAIL = {"thumbnail", "overview"}

# Used to detect image assets when media_type is missing
RASTER_FILE_EXTENSIONS = {"tif", "tiff", "jpeg", "jpg", "jp2", "img"}

(_eo3,) = (
    metadata_from_doc(d) for d in default_metadata_type_docs() if d.get("name") == "eo3"

def with_default(v: Optional[T], default_value: T) -> T:
    Replace ``None`` with default value.

    :param v: Value that might be None
    :param default_value: Default value of the same type as v
    :return: ``v`` unless it is ``None`` then return ``default_value`` instead
    if v is None:
        return default_value
    return v

def band_metadata(asset: pystac.asset.Asset, default: BandMetadata) -> BandMetadata:
    Compute band metadata from Asset raster extension with defaults from default.

    :param asset: Asset with raster extension
    :param default: Values to use for fallback
    :return: BandMetadata tuple constructed from raster:bands metadata
        rext = RasterExtension.ext(asset)
    except pystac.errors.ExtensionNotImplemented:
        return default

    if rext.bands is None or len(rext.bands) == 0:
        return default

    if len(rext.bands) > 1:
        warn(f"Defaulting to first band of {len(rext.bands)}")
    band = rext.bands[0]

    return BandMetadata(
        with_default(band.data_type, default.data_type),
        with_default(band.nodata, default.nodata),
        with_default(band.unit, default.unit),

def has_proj_ext(item: Union[pystac.item.Item, pystac.collection.Collection]) -> bool:
    Check if STAC Item or Collection has projection extension.

    :returns: ``True`` if PROJ exetension is enabled
    :returns: ``False`` if no PROJ extension was found
        ProjectionExtension.validate_has_extension(item, add_if_missing=False)
        return True
    except pystac.errors.ExtensionNotImplemented:
        return False

def has_proj_data(asset: pystac.asset.Asset) -> bool:
    Check if STAC Asset contains proj extension data.

    :returns: True if both ``.shape`` and ``.transform`` are set
    :returns: False if either ``.shape`` or ``.transform`` are missing
    prj = ProjectionExtension.ext(asset)
    return prj.shape is not None and prj.transform is not None

def is_raster_data(asset: pystac.asset.Asset, check_proj: bool = False) -> bool:
    Heuristic for determining if Asset points to raster data.

    - If media type looks like image and roles don't look like thumbnail/overview
    - If media type is undefined and roles contains "data"
    - If media type is undefined and href ends on image extension

    :param asset:
       STAC Asset to check

    :param check_proj:
       when enabled check if asset is part of an Item that has projection
       extension enabled and if yes only consider bands with
       projection data as "raster data" bands.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
    #   some of these are for readability

    if check_proj:
        if (
            asset.owner is not None
            and has_proj_ext(asset.owner)
            and not has_proj_data(asset)
            return False

    roles: Set[str] = set(asset.roles or [])

    media_type = asset.media_type
    if media_type is None:
        # Type undefined
        #   Look if it has data role
        if "data" in roles:
            return True
        if "metadata" in roles:
            return False
    elif "image/" in media_type:
        # Image:
        #    False -- when thumbnail
        #    True  -- otherwise
        if any(r in roles for r in ROLES_THUMBNAIL):
            return False
        return True
        # Some type that is not `image/*`
        return False

    ext = asset.href.split(".")[-1].lower()
    return ext in RASTER_FILE_EXTENSIONS

def _mk_1x1_geobox(geom: Geometry) -> GeoBox:
    Construct 1x1 pixels GeoBox tightly enclosing supplied geometry.

    :param geom: Geometry in whatever projection
    :return: GeoBox object such that geobox.extent.contains(geom) is True, geobox.shape == (1,1)
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = (*geom.boundingbox,)  # type: ignore
    # note that Y axis is inverted
    #   0,0 -> X_min, Y_max
    #   1,1 -> X_max, Y_min
    return GeoBox(1, 1, Affine((x2 - x1), 0, x1, 0, (y1 - y2), y2),  # type: ignore

def asset_geobox(asset: pystac.asset.Asset) -> GeoBox:
    Compute GeoBox from STAC Asset.

    This only works if ProjectionExtension is used with the
    following properties populated:

    - shape
    - transform
    - CRS

    :raises ValueError: when transform,shape or crs are missing
    :raises ValueError: when transform is not Affine.
        _proj = ProjectionExtension.ext(asset)
    except pystac.errors.ExtensionNotImplemented:
        raise ValueError("No projection extension defined") from None

    if _proj.shape is None or _proj.transform is None or _proj.crs_string is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "The asset must have the following fields (from the projection extension):"
            " shape, transform, and one of an epsg, wkt2, or projjson"

    h, w = _proj.shape
    if len(_proj.transform) not in (6, 9):
        raise ValueError("Asset transform must be 6 or 9 elements in size")

    if len(_proj.transform) == 9 and _proj.transform[-3:] != [0, 0, 1]:
        raise ValueError(f"Asset transform is not affine: {_proj.transform}")

    affine = Affine(*_proj.transform[:6])
    return GeoBox(w, h, affine, _proj.crs_string)

def geobox_gsd(geobox: GeoBox) -> float:
    Compute ground sampling distance of a given GeoBox.

    :param geobox: input :class:`~datacube.utils.geometry.GeoBox`
    :returns: Minimum ground sampling distance along X/Y
    return min(map(abs, [geobox.transform.a, geobox.transform.e]))  # type: ignore

def compute_eo3_grids(
    assets: Dict[str, pystac.asset.Asset]
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, GeoBox], Dict[str, str]]:
    Compute a minimal set of eo3 grids.

    Pick default one, give names to non-default grids, while keeping track of
    which asset has which grid

    Assets must have ProjectionExtension with shape, transform and crs information
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals

    def gbox_name(geobox: GeoBox) -> str:
        gsd = geobox_gsd(geobox)
        return f"g{gsd:g}"

    geoboxes = dicttoolz.valmap(asset_geobox, assets)

    # GeoBox to list of bands that share same footprint
    grids: Dict[GeoBox, List[str]] = {}
    crs: Optional[CRS] = None

    for k, geobox in geoboxes.items():
        grids.setdefault(geobox, []).append(k)

    # Default grid is the one with highest count of bands
    #   If there is a tie pick one with the smallest ground sampling distance
    def gbox_score(geobox: GeoBox) -> Tuple[int, float]:
        return (-len(grids[geobox]), geobox_gsd(geobox))

    # locate default grid
    g_default, *_ = sorted(grids, key=gbox_score)

    named_grids: Dict[str, GeoBox] = {}
    band2grid: Dict[str, str] = {}
    for grid, bands in grids.items():
        if crs is None:
            crs =
        elif != crs:
            raise ValueError("Expect all assets to share common CRS")

        grid_name = "default" if grid is g_default else gbox_name(grid)
        if grid_name in named_grids:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "TODO: deal with multiple grids with same sampling distance"

        named_grids[grid_name] = grid
        for band in bands:
            band2grid[band] = grid_name

    return named_grids, band2grid

def _band2grid_from_gsd(assets: Dict[str, pystac.asset.Asset]) -> Dict[str, str]:
    grids: Dict[float, List[str]] = {}
    for name, asset in assets.items():
        gsd = asset.common_metadata.gsd
        gsd = 0 if gsd is None else gsd
        gsd_normed = float(f"{gsd:g}")
        grids.setdefault(gsd_normed, []).append(name)

    # Default grid is one with largest number of bands
    # .. and lowest gsd when there is a tie
    (_, default_gsd), *_ = sorted((-len(bands), gsd) for gsd, bands in grids.items())
    band2grid = {}
    for gsd, bands in grids.items():
        grid_name = "default" if gsd == default_gsd else f"g{gsd:g}"
        for band in bands:
            band2grid[band] = grid_name

    return band2grid

def alias_map_from_eo(item: pystac.item.Item, quiet: bool = False) -> Dict[str, str]:
    Generate mapping ``common name -> canonical name`` for all unique common names defined on the Item eo extension.

    :param item: STAC :class:`~pystac.item.Item` to process
    :param quiet: Do not print warning if duplicate common names are found, defaults to False
    :return: common name to canonical name mapping
        bands = EOExtension.ext(item, add_if_missing=False).bands
    except pystac.errors.ExtensionNotImplemented:
        return {}

    if bands is None:
        return {}  # pragma: no cover

    common_names: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {}
    for band in bands:
        common_name = band.common_name
        if common_name is not None:
            common_names.setdefault(common_name, set()).add(

    def _aliases(common_names):
        for alias, bands in common_names.items():
            if len(bands) == 1:
                (band,) = bands
                yield (alias, band)
            elif not quiet:
                warn(f"Common name `{alias}` is repeated, skipping")

    return dict(_aliases(common_names))

def normalise_product_name(name: str) -> str:
    Create valid product name from an arbitrary string.

    Right now just maps ``-`` and `` `` to ``_``.

    :param name: Usually comes from ``collection_id``.
    # TODO: for now just map `-`,` ` to `_`
    return name.replace("-", "_").replace(" ", "_")

def _band_metadata(v: Union[BandMetadata, Dict[str, Any]]) -> BandMetadata:
    if isinstance(v, BandMetadata):
        return v
    return BandMetadata(
        v.get("data_type", "uint16"), v.get("nodata", 0), v.get("unit", "1")

def mk_product(
    name: str,
    bands: Iterable[str],
    cfg: Dict[str, Any],
    aliases: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> DatasetType:
    Generate ODC Product from simplified config.

    :param name: Product name
    :param bands: List of band names
    :param cfg: Band configuration, band_name -> Config mapping
    :param aliases: Map of aliases ``alias -> band name``
    :return: Constructed ODC Product with EO3 metadata type
    if aliases is None:
        aliases = {}

    _cfg: Dict[str, BandMetadata] = {
        name: _band_metadata(meta) for name, meta in cfg.items()
    band_aliases: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
    for alias, canonical_name in aliases.items():
        band_aliases.setdefault(canonical_name, []).append(alias)

    def make_band(
        name: str, cfg: Dict[str, BandMetadata], band_aliases: Dict[str, List[str]]
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        info = cfg.get(name, cfg.get("*", BandMetadata("uint16", 0, "1")))
        aliases = band_aliases.get(name)

        # map to ODC names for raster:bands
        doc = {
            "name": name,
            "dtype": info.data_type,
            "nodata": info.nodata,
            "units": info.unit,
        if aliases is not None:
            doc["aliases"] = aliases
        return doc

    doc = {
        "name": normalise_product_name(name),
        "metadata_type": "eo3",
        "measurements": [make_band(band, _cfg, band_aliases) for band in bands],
    return DatasetType(_eo3, doc)

def _collection_id(item: pystac.item.Item) -> str:
    if item.collection_id is None:
        # workaround for some early ODC data
        return str("odc:product", "_"))
    return str(item.collection_id)

def infer_dc_product(x: Any, cfg: Optional[ConversionConfig] = None) -> DatasetType:
    """Overloaded function."""
    raise TypeError(
        "Invalid type, must be one of: pystac.item.Item, pystac.collection.Collection"

def infer_dc_product_from_item(
    item: pystac.item.Item, cfg: Optional[ConversionConfig] = None
) -> DatasetType:
    Infer Datacube product object from a STAC Item.

    :param item: Sample STAC Item from a collection
    :param cfg: Dictionary of configuration, see below

    .. code-block:: yaml

       sentinel-2-l2a:  # < name of the collection, i.e. ``.collection_id``
           "*":  # Band named "*" contains band info for "most" bands
             data_type: uint16
             nodata: 0
             unit: "1"
           SCL:  # Those bands that are different than "most"
             data_type: uint8
             nodata: 0
             unit: "1"
         aliases:  #< unique alias -> canonical map
           rededge: B05
           rededge1: B05
           rededge2: B06
           rededge3: B07
         uuid:          # Rules for constructing UUID for Datasets
           mode: auto   # auto|random|native(expect .id to contain valid UUID string)
           extras:      # List of extra keys from properties to include (mode=auto)
           - "s2:generation_time"

         warnings: ignore  # ignore|all  (default all)


       "*": # Applies to all collections if not defined on a collection
         warnings: ignore
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    if cfg is None:
        cfg = {}

    collection_id = _collection_id(item)

    _cfg = cfg.get("*", {})
    _cfg.update(cfg.get(collection_id, {}))

    quiet = _cfg.get("warnings", "all") == "ignore"
    band_cfg = _cfg.get("assets", {})

    def _keep(kv):
        name, asset = kv
        if name in band_cfg:
            return True
        return is_raster_data(asset, check_proj=True)

    data_bands: Dict[str, pystac.asset.Asset] = dicttoolz.itemfilter(_keep, item.assets)

    aliases = alias_map_from_eo(item, quiet=quiet)
    aliases.update(_cfg.get("aliases", {}))

    # 1. If band in user config -- use that
    # 2. Use data from raster extension (with fallback to "*" config)
    # 3. Use config for "*" from user config as fallback
    band_defaults = _band_metadata(band_cfg.get("*", {}))
    for name, asset in data_bands.items():
        if name not in band_cfg:
            bm = band_metadata(asset, band_defaults)
            if bm is not band_defaults:
                band_cfg[name] = bm

    product = mk_product(collection_id, data_bands, band_cfg, aliases)

    # We assume that grouping of data bands into grids is consistent across
    # entire collection, so we compute it once and keep it on a product object
    # at least for now.
    if has_proj_ext(item):
        _, band2grid = compute_eo3_grids(data_bands)
        band2grid = _band2grid_from_gsd(data_bands)

    _cfg["band2grid"] = band2grid
    setattr(product, "_stac_cfg", _cfg)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    return product

def _compute_uuid(
    item: pystac.item.Item, mode: str = "auto", extras: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
) -> uuid.UUID:
    if mode == "native":
        return uuid.UUID(
    if mode == "random":
        return uuid.uuid4()

    assert mode == "auto"
    # 1. see if .id is already a UUID
        return uuid.UUID(
    except ValueError:

    # 2. .id, .collection_id, [extras]
    _extras = (
        {} if extras is None else {key:, "") for key in extras}
    return odc_uuid(_collection_id(item), "stac", [],, **_extras)

def item_to_ds(item: pystac.item.Item, product: DatasetType) -> Dataset:
    Construct Dataset object from STAC Item and previously constructed Product.

    :raises ValueError: when not all assets share the same CRS
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    _cfg = getattr(product, "_stac_cfg", {})
    band2grid: Dict[str, str] = _cfg.get("band2grid", {})

    has_proj = has_proj_ext(item)
    measurements: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
    grids: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
    crs = None
    _assets = item.assets

    for band in product.measurements:
        asset = _assets.get(band, None)
        if asset is None:
            warn(f"Missing asset with name: {band}")
        measurements[band] = {"path": asset.href}

        # Only compute grids when proj extension is enabled
        if not has_proj:

        grid_name = band2grid.get(band, "default")
        if grid_name != "default":
            measurements[band]["grid"] = grid_name

        if grid_name not in grids:
            geobox = asset_geobox(_assets[band])
            grids[grid_name] = dict(shape=geobox.shape, transform=geobox.transform)
            if crs is None:
                crs =
            elif crs !=
                raise ValueError(
                    "Expect all assets to share common CRS"
                )  # pragma: no cover

    # No proj metadata make up 1x1 Grid in EPSG4326 instead
    if not has_proj:
        geom = Geometry(item.geometry, EPSG4326)
        geobox = _mk_1x1_geobox(geom)
        crs =
        grids["default"] = dict(shape=geobox.shape, transform=geobox.transform)

    assert crs is not None

    uuid_cfg = _cfg.get("uuid", {})
    ds_uuid = _compute_uuid(
        item, mode=uuid_cfg.get("mode", "auto"), extras=uuid_cfg.get("extras", [])

    ds_doc = {
        "id": str(ds_uuid),
        "$schema": "",
        "crs": str(crs),
        "grids": grids,
        "location": "",
        "measurements": measurements,
        "properties": dicttoolz.keymap(
            lambda k: STAC_TO_EO3_RENAMES.get(k, k),
        "lineage": {},

    return Dataset(product, prep_eo3(ds_doc), uris=[ds_doc.get("location", "")])

[docs]def stac2ds( items: Iterable[pystac.item.Item], cfg: Optional[ConversionConfig] = None, product_cache: Optional[Dict[str, DatasetType]] = None, ) -> Iterator[Dataset]: """ STAC :class:`~pystac.item.Item` to :class:`~datacube.model.Dataset` stream converter. Given a lazy sequence of STAC :class:`~pystac.item.Item` objects turn it into a lazy sequence of :class:`~datacube.model.Dataset` objects. .. rubric:: Assumptions First observed :py:class:`~pystac.item.Item` for a given collection is used to construct :py:mod:`datacube` product definition. After that, all subsequent items from the same collection are interpreted according to that product spec. Specifically this means that every item is expected to have the same set of bands. If product contains bands with different resolutions, it is assumed that the same set of bands share common resolution across all items in the collection. :param items: Lazy sequence of :class:`~pystac.item.Item` objects :param cfg: Supply metadata missing from STAC, configure aliases, control warnings :param product_cache: Input/Output parameter, contains mapping from collection name to deduced product definition, i.e. :py:class:`datacube.model.DatasetType` object. .. rubric: Sample Configuration .. code-block:: yaml sentinel-2-l2a: # < name of the collection, i.e. `.collection_id` assets: "*": # Band named "*" contains band info for "most" bands data_type: uint16 nodata: 0 unit: "1" SCL: # Those bands that are different than "most" data_type: uint8 nodata: 0 unit: "1" aliases: #< unique alias -> canonical map rededge: B05 rededge1: B05 rededge2: B06 rededge3: B07 uuid: # Rules for constructing UUID for Datasets mode: auto # auto|random|native(expect .id to contain valid UUID string) extras: # List of extra keys from properties to include (mode=auto) - "s2:generation_time" warnings: ignore # ignore|all (default all) some-other-collection: assets: #... "*": # Applies to all collections if not defined on a collection warnings: ignore """ products: Dict[str, DatasetType] = {} if product_cache is None else product_cache for item in items: collection_id = item.collection_id or "_" collection_id = str(collection_id) product = products.get(collection_id) # Have not seen this collection yet, figure it out if product is None: product = infer_dc_product(item, cfg) products[collection_id] = product yield item_to_ds(item, product)
def _mk_sample_item(collection: pystac.collection.Collection) -> pystac.item.Item: try: item_assets = ItemAssetsExtension.ext(collection).item_assets except pystac.errors.ExtensionNotImplemented: raise ValueError( "This only works on Collections with ItemAssets extension" ) from None item = pystac.item.Item( "sample", None, None, datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1), {}, stac_extensions=collection.stac_extensions, collection=collection, ) for name, asset in item_assets.items(): _asset = dict(href="") _asset.update(asset.to_dict()) item.add_asset(name, pystac.asset.Asset.from_dict(_asset)) return item @infer_dc_product.register(pystac.collection.Collection) def infer_dc_product_from_collection( collection: pystac.collection.Collection, cfg: Optional[ConversionConfig] = None ) -> DatasetType: """ Construct Datacube Product definition from STAC Collection. :param collection: STAC Collection :param cfg: Configuration dictionary """ if cfg is None: cfg = {} return infer_dc_product(_mk_sample_item(collection), cfg)