Source code for odc.stac._load

"""stac.load - dc.load from STAC Items."""
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union

import datacube.model
import datacube.utils.geometry
import numpy as np
import pyproj
import pystac
import pystac.item
import xarray
from affine import Affine
from datacube.model import Dataset
from import CRS
from toolz import dicttoolz

from odc.index import patch_urls

from ._dcload import dc_load
from ._eo3 import ConversionConfig, stac2ds

SomeCRS = Union[str, datacube.utils.geometry.CRS, pyproj.CRS, Dict[str, Any]]
MaybeCRS = Optional[SomeCRS]

def eo3_geoboxes(
    ds: Dataset,
    bands: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
    grids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, datacube.utils.geometry.GeoBox]:
    Extract EO3 grids in GeoBox format.

    :param dataset: EO3 Dataset
    :param bands: Optional list of bands of interest
    :param grids: Optional list of grids of interest

    :returns: a dictionary mapping grid names to a corresponding
    crs =
    _grids = ds.metadata_doc.get("grids", None)

    if _grids is None:
        raise ValueError("Missing grids, is this EO3 style Dataset?")
    if bands is not None:
        relevant_grids: Set[str] = set()
        for band in bands:
            band = ds.type.canonical_measurement(band)
            relevant_grids.add(ds.measurements[band].get("grid", "default"))
        grids = list(relevant_grids)

    if grids is not None:
        _grids = dicttoolz.keyfilter(lambda k: k in grids, _grids)

    def to_geobox(grid: Dict[str, Any]) -> datacube.utils.geometry.GeoBox:
        shape = grid.get("shape")
        transform = grid.get("transform")
        if shape is None or transform is None:
            raise ValueError("Each grid must have .shape and .transform")
        if len(shape) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Shape must contain `(height, width)`")
        if len(transform) not in (6, 9):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid `transform` specified, expect 6 or 9 element array"
        h, w = shape
        return datacube.utils.geometry.GeoBox(w, h, Affine(*transform[:6]), crs)

    return dicttoolz.valmap(to_geobox, _grids)

def most_common_crs(crss: Iterable[CRS]) -> CRS:
    Find most frequently occuring CRS.

    :param crss: Iterable of :class:`~datacube.utils.geometry.CRS` objects
    _cc: Dict[CRS, int] = {}
    for crs in crss:
        _cc.setdefault(crs, 0)
        _cc[crs] += 1

    assert len(_cc) > 0

    # get CRS with highest count
    crs, _ = sorted(_cc.items(), reverse=True, key=(lambda kv: kv[1]))[0]
    return crs

def pick_best_resolution(
    dss: Sequence[Dataset], bands: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]:
    Pick "best" resolution to use for data load.

    Given a non-empty sequence of :class:`~datacube.model.Dataset` objects and a
    set of bands to be loaded figure out what resolution is most appropriate.

    :param dss: Sequence of Dataset objects
    :param bands: Set of bands of interest, default: consider all bands.
    :return: ``(Y, X)`` resolution tuple

    def best(
        a: Tuple[float, float], b: Optional[Tuple[float, float]]
    ) -> Tuple[float, float]:
        if b is None:
            return a
        a_min: float = min(map(abs, a))  # type: ignore
        b_min: float = min(map(abs, b))  # type: ignore

        return a if a_min <= b_min else b

    res_best = None

    for ds in dss:
        for geobox in eo3_geoboxes(ds, bands=bands).values():
            if geobox.shape != (1, 1):
                res_best = best(geobox.resolution, res_best)

    return res_best

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
[docs]def load( items: Iterable[pystac.item.Item], bands: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, *, groupby: Optional[str] = None, resampling: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, chunks: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, # Geo selection crs: MaybeCRS = None, resolution: Optional[Union[float, int, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, geobox: Optional[datacube.utils.geometry.GeoBox] = None, bbox: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]] = None, lon: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, lat: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, x: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, y: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, align: Optional[Union[float, int, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, like: Optional[Any] = None, geopolygon: Optional[datacube.utils.geometry.Geometry] = None, # stac related stac_cfg: Optional[ConversionConfig] = None, patch_url: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None, product_cache: Optional[Dict[str, datacube.model.DatasetType]] = None, # dc.load pass-through args skip_broken_datasets: bool = False, progress_cbk: Optional[Callable[[int, int], Any]] = None, fuse_func: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, **kw, ) -> xarray.Dataset: """ STAC :class:`~pystac.item.Item` to :class:`xarray.Dataset`. Load several STAC :class:`~pystac.item.Item` objects (from the same or similar collections) as an :class:`xarray.Dataset`. This method can load pixel data directly on a local machine or construct a Dask graph that can be processed on a remote cluster. .. code-block:: python catalog = query = xx = odc.stac.load( query.get_items(), bands=["red", "green", "blue"], crs="EPSG:32606", resolution=(-100, 100), )"time") :param items: Iterable of STAC :class:`~pystac.Item` to load :param bands: List of band names to load, defaults to All. Also accepts single band name as input .. rubric:: Common Options :param groupby: Controls what items get placed in to the same pixel plane, supported values are "time" or "solar_day", default is "time" :param resampling: Controls resampling strategy, can be specified per band :param chunks: Rather than loading pixel data directly, construct Dask backed arrays. ``chunks={'x': 2048, 'y': 2048}`` .. rubric:: Control Pixel Grid of Output There are many ways to control footprint and resolution of returned data. The most precise way is to use :py:class:`~datacube.utils.geometry.GeoBox`, ``geobox=GeoBox(..)``. Similarly one can use ``like=xx`` to match pixel grid to previously loaded data (``xx = odc.stac.load(...)``). Other common way is to configure crs and resolution only .. code-block:: python xx = odc.stac.load(... crs="EPSG:3857", resolution=(-10, 10)) # resolution units must match CRS # here we assume 1 degree == 111km to load at roughly # the same 10m resolution as statement above. yy = odc.stac.load(... crs="EPSG:4326", resolution=0.00009009) By default :py:func:`odc.stac.load` loads all available pixels in the requested projection and resolution. To limit extent of loaded data you have to supply bounds via either ``geobox=`` or ``like=`` parameters (these also select projection and resolution). Alternatively use a pair of ``x, y`` or ``lon, lat`` parameters. ``x, y`` allows you to specify bounds in the output projection, while ``lon, lat`` operate in degrees. You can also use ``bbox`` which is equivalent to ``lon, lat``. It should be noted that returned data is likely to reach outside of the requested bounds by fraction of a pixel when using ``bbox``, ``x, y`` or ``lon, lat`` mechanisms. This is due to pixel grid "snapping". Pixel edges will still start at ``N*pixel_size`` where ``N is int`` regardless of the requested bounding box. :param crs: Load data in a given CRS :param resolution: Set resolution of output in ``Y, X`` order, it is common for ``Y`` to be negative, e.g. ``resolution=(-10, 10)``. Resolution must be supplied in the units of the output CRS, so they are commonly in meters for *Projected* and in degrees for *Geographic* CRSs. ``resolution=10`` is equivalent to ``resolution=(-10, 10)``. :param bbox: Specify bounding box in Lon/Lat. ``[min(lon), min(lat), max(lon), max(lat)]`` :param lon: Define output bounds in Lon/Lat :param lat: Define output bounds in Lon/Lat :param x: Define output bounds in output projection coordinate units :param y: Define output bounds in output projection coordinate units :param align: Control pixel snapping, default is to align pixel grid to ``X``/``Y`` axis such that pixel edges lie on the axis. :param geobox: Allows to specify exact region/resolution/projection using :class:`~datacube.utils.geometry.GeoBox` object :param like: Match output grid to the data loaded previously. .. rubric:: STAC Related Options :param stac_cfg: Controls :class:`pystac.Item` ``->`` :class:`datacube.model.Dataset` conversion, mostly used to specify "missing" metadata like pixel data types. See :func:`~odc.stac.stac2ds` and section below for more details. :param patch_url: Optionally transform url of every band before loading :param product_cache: Passed on to :func:`~odc.stac.stac2ds` .. rubric:: Pass-through to :py:meth:`datacube.Datacube.load` :param progress_cbk: Get data loading progress via callback, ignored when constructing Dask arrays :param skip_broken_datasets: Continue processing when IO errors are encountered :param fuse_func: Provide custom function for fusing pixels from different sources into one pixel plane. The default behaviour is to use first observed valid pixel. Item timestamp is used to determine order, ``nodata`` is used to determine "valid". :param kw: Any other named parameter is passed on to :py:meth:`datacube.Datacube.load` :return: :class:`xarray.Dataset` with requested bands populated .. rubric:: Complete Example Code .. code-block:: python import planetary_computer as pc from pystac_client import Client from odc import stac catalog ="") query = collections=["sentinel-2-l2a"], datetime="2019-06-06", query={"s2:mgrs_tile": dict(eq="06VVN")}, ) xx = stac.load( query.get_items(), bands=["red", "green", "blue"], crs="EPSG:32606", resolution=100, patch_url=pc.sign, )"time", size=8, aspect=1) .. rubric:: Example Configuration Sample ``stac_cfg={..}`` parameter. .. code-block:: yaml sentinel-2-l2a: # < name of the collection, i.e. ``.collection_id`` assets: "*": # Band named "*" contains band info for "most" bands data_type: uint16 nodata: 0 unit: "1" SCL: # Those bands that are different than "most" data_type: uint8 nodata: 0 unit: "1" aliases: #< unique alias -> canonical map rededge: B05 rededge1: B05 rededge2: B06 rededge3: B07 warnings: ignore # ignore|all (default all) some-other-collection: assets: #... "*": # Applies to all collections if not defined on a collection warnings: ignore .. seealso:: | STAC item interpretation :func:`~odc.stac.stac2ds` | Data loading: :py:meth:`datacube.Datacube.load` """ if bands is None: # dc.load name for bands is measurements bands = kw.pop("measurements", None) if isinstance(resolution, (float, int)): resolution = (-float(resolution), float(resolution)) if isinstance(align, (float, int)): align = (align, align) # STAC compatibility if bbox is not None: if any(v is not None for v in [x, y, lon, lat]): raise ValueError( "When supplying `bbox` you should not supply `x,y` or `lon,lat`" ) x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox lon = (x1, x2) lat = (y1, y2) # normalize args # dc.load has distinction between query crs and output_crs # but output_crs name can be confusing, especially that resolution is not output_resolution, # so we treat crs same as output_crs output_crs: MaybeCRS = kw.pop("output_crs", None) if output_crs is None and crs is not None: output_crs, crs = crs, None geo = dicttoolz.valfilter( lambda x: x is not None, dict( x=x, y=y, lon=lon, lat=lat, crs=crs, output_crs=output_crs, resolution=resolution, align=align, like=like, geopolygon=geopolygon, geobox=geobox, ), ) def auto_fill_geo(geo, dss, bands): if "geobox" in geo: return if "like" in geo: return if "output_crs" not in geo: # Need to pick CRS geo["output_crs"] = most_common_crs( for ds in dss) if "resolution" not in geo: # Need to pick resolution geo["resolution"] = pick_best_resolution(dss, bands) dss = list(stac2ds(items, stac_cfg, product_cache=product_cache)) auto_fill_geo(geo, dss, bands) if patch_url is not None: dss = [patch_urls(ds, edit=patch_url, bands=bands) for ds in dss] return dc_load( dss, measurements=bands, groupby=groupby, resampling=resampling, chunks=chunks, progress_cbk=progress_cbk, skip_broken_datasets=skip_broken_datasets, fuse_func=fuse_func, **geo, **kw, )